Hans Hartung

08 Feb

Hans Hartung

Hans Hartung is a known water expert in international development with more than 30 years of experience. He has a strong theoretical and practical background in water supply, sanitation, wastewater pumping and the related water and wastewater networks. Through his experience in the developing world, he has come to realise the importance of a comprehensive approach to and responsible management of our water resources.

He can draw from a much-diversified experience in industry as well as with NGOs, in rural as well as urban environments, in humanitarian as well as development aid, in designing and planning as well as training, in developing as well as industrialised countries in Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America. He has planned, accompanied and evaluated many projects in conventional water supply and sanitation and pioneered unconventional systems such as rainwater harvesting and ecological sanitation. He has been the vice-president of the International Rainwater Catchment Systems Association for 6 years.

His background in systemic counselling and coaching leads him to a solution-oriented approach. He is expert in qualitative evaluation methods (like MAPP, gender analysis, etc.), emphasises participative methods and is familiar with quantitative methods as well. Result-oriented project management, M & E, log frame and indicator based reporting is part of his work in evaluation and consulting.

Conceptualising capacity development measures, such as face-to-face as well as online trainings is one of his key competences. He has been the responsible consultant In various InWEnt and GIZ programmes for the MENA, East and Southern Africa regions, cooperating with state and non-state development organisations. Many water related managers and engineers of the region have gone through face-to-face and e-learning courses tutored by him.

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